Component Constraints Container/Layouts Accessibility Comments NAVIGATION - HEADER / FOOTER UI Meta Nav No item limit
No chr limitN/A Mega Nav Up to 3 columns
8 Max number of items per columnN/A Drop Down Nav Mobile hamburger nav
(this nav is the same for either desktop nav variant)Breadcrumbs In-page nav bar Footer
- Meta footer
- Mega footer
- Social bar in footer
- Back-to-top button in footerBack-to-top sticky button COMPONENTS Accordion Buttons Collection Card Contact Card CTA bar Explore Card Hero Banner Image Hero Banner Video HTML widget Image component Message Bar News: Listing component and UI filters News: News Article page News: feature social share Quote accolade Responsive table RTE RTE Icon bullets RTE Static Table Spacer 16 Spacer 24 FORM UI COMPONENTS Checkbox Combo box (Multiple choice) Data Consent Date Drop-down list File upload Hidden Marketing opt-in Newsletter subscription form (test as part of footer) Password Radio (Single choice) Recaptcha v2 Recaptcha v3 with score Rich text Text area (Long answer) Text field (Short answer) Title and description CONTAINERS: GRIDS & LAYOUTS Layout Container Grid Layout Section block 1-col or single column 1:1 2-col or 2 column even 2:1 2-col or 2 column uneven 1:2 2-col or 2 column uneven reverse 1:1:1 3-col or 3 column 1:1:1:1 4-col or 2 column Manuscript 1-col or single column Manuscript 2-col or 2 column -